Bob Manning

Diskographie und Story im Detail
Alter: 75
Homepage: rocknroll-schallpl…
Beiträge: 122
Dabei seit: 10 / 2017

Bob Manning

Gepostet: 03.03.2022 - 14:22 Uhr  ·  #1
Der Schlagersänger Bob Manning wurde am 1. Februar 1926 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, als Manny Levin geboren und verstarb am 23. Oktober 1997, 71-jährig, an einer Lungenentzündung.


Seine Singles:

03 53....F2382....BOB MANNING with Chorus and Orchestra Conducted by Sid Feller..The Sun Is Getting Ready To Shine (45-20107)/BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Sid Feller..You Can Live With A Broken Heart (45-20108)
03 53....F2383....BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Monty Kelly..Gypsy Girl (45-10960)/The Nearness Of You (45-10958)
06 53....F2493....BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Sid Feller..It's All Right With Me (45-20127)/All I Desire (45-20128)
09 53....F2587....BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Monty Kelly..It's Easy To Remember (45-20183)/I Feel So Mmmm (45-20184)
01 54....F2694....BOB MANNING with Bobby Hackett’s Trumpet and Rhythm Group..You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want To Do It) (45-20240)/BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Monty Kelly..Venus Di Milo (45-20185)
04 54....F2772....BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Nelson Riddle..That's A-Me 'N My Love (45-12215)/Good-Bye (45-12207)
06 54....F2831....BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Nelson Riddle..I Wasn't There With You (45-12214)/Why Didn't You Tell Me (45-12208)
09 54....F2909....BOB MANNING with Orchestra and Chorus..The Other Side Of The Story (45-20434)/I'm a Fool For You (45-20432)
11 54....F2973....BOB MANNING with Orchestra and Vocal Group..Just For Laughs (45-20433)/BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducting by Monty Kelly..The Very Thought Of You (45-20186)
01 55....F3014....BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Sid Feller..My Love Song To You (45-20575)/After My Laughter Came Tears (45-20576)
02 55....F3041....BOB MANNING with Orchestra and Chorus Under the Direction of Monty Kelly..Majorca (Isle Of Love) (45-20583)/It's Your Life (45-20584)
04 55....F3088....BOB MANNING with Chorus and Orchestra Conducted by Monty Kelly..The Mission San Michel (45-20581)/You Are There (45-20582)
06 55....F3139....BOB MANNING with Orchestra and Vocal Group Conducted by Sid Feller..What A Wonderful Way To Die (45-20689)/BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Sid Feller..This Is All Very New To Me (45-20690)
08 55....F3200....BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Sid Feller..Whose Heart Are You Breaking Now (45-20691)/This Is No Laughing Matter (45-20687)
09 55....F3242....BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Monty Kelly..Honestly (45-14329)/I'd Better Be Careful (45-14327)
11 55....F3286....BOB MANNING with Orchestra Conducted by Earl Sheldon..Beggar Or King (45-20896)/The Day We Fell In Love (45-20897)

Gerd Miller
Alter: 75
Homepage: rocknroll-schallpl…
Beiträge: 122
Dabei seit: 10 / 2017

Capitol-Telefunken Schellack Schallplatten

Gepostet: 03.03.2022 - 14:29 Uhr  ·  #2
Capitol-Telefunken C 80 375 - Bob Manning

It's All Right With Me (Cole Porter)
Gypsy Girl (Jerry Ross - Richard Adler)

Alter: 75
Homepage: rocknroll-schallpl…
Beiträge: 122
Dabei seit: 10 / 2017

Capitol-Telefunken Singles

Gepostet: 03.03.2022 - 14:36 Uhr  ·  #3
Capitol-Telefunken CF 2772 - Bob Manning

That's A-Me 'N My Love

Capitol-Telefunken CF 3041 - Bob Manning

Mayorca (Isle Of Love) (Johnny Lehmann - Louis Gaste)
It's Your Live (Charles Tobias - Nat Simon)
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